A Month Gone By

When I just looked at the date of the last time that I wrote here the entire month of September rolled on by and I said nothing, although it was a big month, and emotional month at times and yet here we are in the October staring down at the shaft of the last big three months of this year and rolling into 2012. I would like to think that September was a good month, although the Dodgers didn’t make the playoffs I have to say that I felt like it was good season for us, at least the last half of it was. Once we got rid of the vets that were making millions of dollars to go most of the sitting on the bench the rooks that we brought up to replace them did a nice job of staying hungry and showing why they should be on the opening day roster at the stadium next season. It was exciting to watch, even if the pitching outside of Kershaw wasn’t that good at time. At least the Rod Sox, Angels or the Giants didn’t go to the playoffs which makes the Dodgers not going a little more bearable.

It was another month were I didn’t hear from you either. Not shocking, but I feel the effects of that former life that I used to lead fading away more every day. Its not like I didn’t write about it enough in here or feel it on my heart and in mind and finally the shroud that it was is moving away and new memories and ideas are forming. Maybe not completely new things, but things that I wanted before than I can actually make happen in my life now.

You know, I just looked at the weather at where you live now and it said 53 degrees and raining. Whew… Here, I have the front open, wearing shorts, its sunny and beautiful and in a little bit I’m going to run what I hope is seven miles. Really, why did you and I ever discuss moving cross country? Oh right, for a job. You know that seems like a million years ago even though I know that it is only the start of a huge career for you in that field while I work at the same old job that I get when you moved away last year.

Maybe I told you I watched all 120 episodes of Lost in squence on Netflix streaming and out of all of the characters that were on that show my favorite was Desmond. This was because of his saying, “I’ll see you in another life brother.”

Well here we are, in another life. I never thought I would be here but I have to say most of the time its good to be here.

September was a good month for a lot of reasons and one of them is that I crossed the 20 pounds lost plateau in my diet which started just two months ago. Last time I weighted in, which was Saturday morning weighed 192 pounds, which I haven’t weighed since some times doing my high school years and that was 16 years ago this year. It feels very good to be eating better (for the part) and all the time not as much as I was before which is really the key to losing weight in my opinion. One the diet that I am on you can eat anything, but in the back of your mind you have to keep the portions of how much you can eat and what it is into consideration. Well, what you and eat, what you drink and how much of both you consume. Its been good and it has showed me what is good for you and what isn’t, and that i needs to be followed on a daily basis. You can have bad days, I would say that it is acceptable to have bad days once every 14 days, or even just one bad meal during that time.

I should also note that I’ve been running on average about 25 miles a week, and on my way up to 30 miles a week. I want to run once half marathon in November and then one in December. And then I want to move on to marathons next year and maintain a weight of 180, that would be nice.

There is always more to write but I told myself I would do some running today before I went to work, and then I have to walk or ride my bike to work because my car is in the shop today. Something serious with the engine that included oil being in places that it shouldn’t. I haven’t heard back from the dealership but it sounded like it was going to take a while to work out and repair, that was almost three hours ago since I last heard from them. But I have tomorrow off and if my car is still in the shop that means I can’t go to far except to the dentist for a 10 AM appointment. (Oh great) I’ll probably stop in tomorrow to write. There have been other ideas that have been kicking around in my head and its coming up against a hard deadline whether I should partake in them or not.

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